Monthly Archives: March 2015

2015 Spring Seminar

It is getting warm and feels like spring in the air.
How are you and your staff doing.

Today, I would like to inform about the spring seminar in NAIST as usual. The spring seminar is the event that the visitors can experience the theme of the labs in NAIST. Actual experience makes them give more detail of our lab’s field.

From our lab, Assistant Professor, Taketomi and M1 students, Kojima, Sakai, Seto, Hayata attended in order to support them. In this time, the theme of their experience was the programming with ARToolKit and projection mapping. Each one is familiar in our lab.

In ARToolKit group, at first, we gave participants basic program that it shows Tachikoma on a AR marker.Then, they started to work on some challenges.There were two challenges, one was to lock a position of Tachikoma in the screen while he/she is clicking a left-mouse-button.
Another one is to retain a positional relation between Tachikoma and the marker when he/she released the mouse button, even if the marker moves.
Before these challenges, they implemented some codes to increase one more AR marker that camera can detect as developing an understanding of ARToolKit.

After the start, some participants were surprised by moving Tachikoma, but they concentrated upon challenges a few minutes later. ARToolKit has many functions, it’s easy to make AR applications for us by using ARToolKit. Therefore, people who have not used C++ looked as if they didn’t feel difficulty to make code while searching on the internet.
On the other hand, since we should consider coordinate transformation when, for example, we try to calculate a distance of two markers, they had a hard with how to use transformation matrix in which order.

However, almost of all participants were over one hour earlier than end expected time by to search on the internet and to ask us. Until the end, they asked us a life in our lab, question about going on to NAIST, and so on.

In projection mapping group, at first, we gave participants source program with some blanks. The tasks were to fill up that blanks. The goal was to paint the box by using a pen by using projection mapping.

To make this system, the first challenge was to calculate the coordinate of pen tip on the marker coordinate system by using the pen that marker was stuck. They did the task well because that was easy setting of parameter. Second challenge was to make the calculation part of projector parameter for coordinate transformation from real world to projector coordinate system.This task was a little bit difficult to make program from the start. So they calculated the determinant of matrix by using the paper and pencil at first. Then the task could be easy and they figured out.

Third challenge was to make the calculation of coordinate transformation from pen tip position in real world to projector image coordinate system.
I was impressed that someone solved this task soon because that was also coordinate transformation.

In additional task, they tried to make the collision detection program of pen tip and cube object. After that, they tried to make projection part.
That was a little bit difficult to them, the beginner of C++. So they used sample program as a reference to study the procedure.
Finally, they understood the procedure and tried projection mapping to the box. The task was difficult to the students who have no knowledge of this programing language but this should be a great experience for them.

Everyone finished the exercises of two days.
In spite of the hard exercise, they had a lot of time on their hand, and they were talking. It is usual case in our lab to talk with foreigner.

It had a good time to talk about our lab and the knowledge of examination.
I’m looking forward to seeing them as the IMD lab member in the future.

CICP presentation

My name is Kazuki Sakai(M1).

During Mar. 5th to 7th, NAIST Graduate School of Information Science held Spring Seminar and Open Campus.Then, CICP presentations was also held.If you attended the seminar or Open Campus, maybe you watched the presentations.I’ll show you about the presentations.

First, I’ll talk about CICP.
CICP, Creative and International Competitiveness Project, is an educational program of the Graduate School of Information Science in NAIST. The first purpose of this project is giving opportunity to raise a student’s ability to plan and develop research projects and communication skills. Students suggest a research theme by themselves, and if approved, they get a budget for research, and challenge the theme in one year.

I’ll show you the research theme list in this year.

Regular Track

    • VuRari 一人旅 〜VR旅行でセルフィー(自撮り)〜
      (Virtual Traveling and Selfie System ~VuRari 一人旅~)
    • そのツイート、ほんとうに大丈夫?炎上予防アプリ“炎女医”の開発
      (r u sure about the tweet?” ENJOY: the flaming prevention system)
    • 写ラナイんです(余計なモノが)
      (An Object Removing System based on Light Field Acquiring)
    • グリーン Inc. ビデオテックブログ
      (Green Inc. Video TechBlog)
    • 小型クアッドコプターと頭部装着ディスプレイを用いた没入型テレプレゼンス・テレコミュニケーションシステム
      (Immersive Telepresence and telecommunication system with head-mounted display and Quadcopter)
    • トンドル ~ 翼を授ける
      (TonDol ~Gives You Wings~)
    • Bikepad : 自転車ゲームコントローラ
      (Bikepad : Bicycle-based game controller)
    • 自作CTスキャナで身の回りの物を調べてみよう
      (DIY CT scanner ~Let’s scan everything in our daily life~)

IPGP-2013 Track

    • いこう スタンプ: 電子グッズスタンプ
      (eCOstamp: Electronic Collectible Stamps)
    • DARTによる信頼性のあるマシンオートメーションのためのヒューマンインターフェース
      (Dependable Gesture-based Human-Machine Interface for Machine Automation using DART Technology)
    • NAIST NAV : 奈良先端科学技術大学院大学オープンキャンパスナビゲーションと情報サービス
      (NAIST-NAIST-NAV: NAIST Open Campus Navigation and Information Service)
    • HerbsMed: ジャムと漢方薬を用いた薬用植物アプリケーション
      (Herbs Med: Herbal Medicine Apps using Integrated Jamu and Kampo Formulas)

IPGP-2014 Track

    • トラベルアドバイザー
      (Travel Advisor)
    • 高校物理実験のためのトラッキング技術を用いた物理測定に関する研究
      (Physical Measurements Using Tracking Technologies for High School Physics Experiment)
    • アクションおよび心拍認識による高齢者見守りのためのマルチメディア異常検出
      (Multimedia Abnormal Detection for Elders via Action and Pulse Recognition)
    • 発展途上国における双方向番組を用いたeラーニングの検討
      (Survey on Interactive TV as e-Learning Tool for Students in Developing Countries.)

My research theme is
(r u sure about the tweet?” ENJOY: the flaming prevention system)

Nowadays, “flaming”, a hostile and insulting interaction between Internet users, often involving the use of profanity. We want to prevent it on Twitter, so we made an application, ENJOY: the flaming prevention system. This project is composed by four members, three students are from Computational Linguistics Lab, and I’m from Interactive Media Design Lab. The user input tweet to this system, and system analyses input sentence. Finally, system suggest 4 outputs.

  • Flaming level : It represents the tweet flaming level, like “safe”, “warning”, “dangerous”(“safe” tweet has low risk of flaming, and “danger” tweet has high risk).
  • Point out “dangerous words” in input tweet : These words have high risk of flaming.
  • An alternative tweet : the system modifies dangerous tweet, and make more low risk tweet.
  • Expected reply list : The system suggests the reply list. If user upload raw tweet to twitter, you can get these expected replies.
Main page

Main page

Result example

Result example

My task is making system UI. I am using bootstarp, it is a library to make modern websites like Twitter. The main page of this system represents all information in one window. The base color is red and white because this system treat user tweet like a doctor(this system name is 炎女医(ENJOY), 炎 means flaming, 女医 means woman doctor). System gets Twitter’s user timeline, so you can use this system as a twitter client app. You can watch a cute girl at the lower left of window. Her name is 炎女医ちゃん, our website mascot character. She treat our tweets.

We showed our demo in these days.All participants can vote for their favorite work, and the team which make the most popular application got a prize.

Exhibition booth

Exhibition booth

Staffs and audiences

Staffs and audiences

Mar. 5th was only simple presentation, so we showed our demo from 6th March.This day was the final day of Spring Seminar, and all participants were members of this seminar.The presentation in that day was short, but we could show our demo for many students.We could also watch other team’s demos, and all of them looked so interesting and useful applications.All participants and presenters enjoyed those applications.

In the Open Campus, 7th March, we exhibited our demo for public audience.There were many people in exhibition place.

One of purpose of CICP is to raise students communication skills.
If you join CICP, you have to make many presentations, so you have to think about the order of story, and timing of demonstration.Your presentation skills will improve steadily each time you present your demo.

If you would like to join CICP, you should join to this project!You will difinitly spend fullfilinng days!.

(note: All information about 炎女医 in this article is for beta version.)

SUI 2014 and UIST 2014

My name is Jarkko Polvi, I am a doctoral student at IMDlab. I attended the Spatial User Interaction 2014 (10/3-10/5) and User Interface Software and Technology 2014 (10/5-10/8). The conferences were organized back-to-back and co-located in the same venue In Honolulu, Hawaii. I had a poster presentation at SUI, but I was lucky to be able to participate to UIST also.

The SUI was organized for the second time so it was still very small conference, around 80-90 participants and 18 papers. As the name states, the topics were related to interaction with AR and VR. Several papers applied Google Glass. The most interesting presentation for me was one about 3D manipulation on HAR using multi-touch gestures, since it was the most related to my own research. My own poster presentation went well and the feedback was positive, spectators were interested in how HAR can be utilized in practical tasks. However I didn’t feel that I really learned anything new based on the comments. This was my first poster presentation so I am not sure what should be expected or what should be the benefit of presenting a poster.

UIST started directly after SUI and had over 400 participants and 74 paper presentations. I think the venue was not the best one for UIST since it was very crowded everywhere. Topics varied a lot and and approximately 10-15 papers were about or related to AR. Some of the AR papers were interesting, others not so. The most interesting paper for me in AR was a remote authoring and assistance system using HAR. Outside AR, I found many interesting papers, there was a lot of presentation about interaction methods for tablets and smart watches. Most of the presentations were something really simple, but still really interesting. For example a poster with a pointing method for large sized phones: very simple system, but could potentially be useful for millions of people.

Overall I found more interesting topics from UIST, but as a conference I liked SUI more mainly because of its size. At UIST, there was a lot of people everywhere all the time and a lot of things happening at the same time, which made it a bit difficult to control. I have no complaints about Honolulu as a location, it could be worse. 🙂 Overall I think both conferences were well organized.

SUI keynote
UIST keynote
beachBuilding sand castles at the beach