Hello. I’m Fujiwara, M1 student.
I’d like to report about the open campus on 13th May, 2017.
In NAIST, open campus is held few times a year. We, Interactive Media Design Laboratory, presented some demo systems such as cycling support system, projection system that adjusts with ambient light, and 3D mapping system with a single camera. Fortunately, many people visited our laboratory despite rainy weather.
I presented a 3D mapping system with a single camera. It has been about a month since I came to this laboratory, so I had difficulty in explaining details of this research. I managed to present a demo thanks to the assistance of Mr. Zhang and Prof. Taketomi.
Additionally, some students who came to this event were also preparing for the NAIST entrance examination in July. I had been asked about essay and mathematical presentation a few times. I hope that this open campus will motivate upcoming students.
Finally, there were many things I learned through this open campus. I’m very glad if visitors got interested in Interactive Media Design Laboratory.