Monthly Archives: May 2017

Open Campus@May 2017

Hello. I’m Fujiwara, M1 student.
I’d like to report about the open campus on 13th May, 2017.

In NAIST, open campus is held few times a year. We, Interactive Media Design Laboratory, presented some demo systems such as cycling support system, projection system that adjusts with ambient light, and 3D mapping system with a single camera. Fortunately, many people visited our laboratory despite rainy weather.

I presented a 3D mapping system with a single camera. It has been about a month since I came to this laboratory, so I had difficulty in explaining details of this research. I managed to present a demo thanks to the assistance of Mr. Zhang and Prof. Taketomi.

Additionally, some students who came to this event were also preparing for the NAIST entrance examination in July. I had been asked about essay and mathematical presentation a few times. I hope that this open campus will motivate upcoming students.
Finally, there were many things I learned through this open campus. I’m very glad if visitors got interested in Interactive Media Design Laboratory.

Welcome party

Nice to meet you, Here is Yuto Inamitsu M2.

It’s already May.

I think of the fact that one year passed since I entered the school, I feel the word that time flies.

This year, four M1s and six internships joined the Interactive Media Design Laboratory.

When I faced the face with M1 freshmen first, I felt that ” Were I similar to them?” for last year’s self.
It seems I have become accustomed to NAIST and this lab.

Well, one month has already passed since the entrance ceremony of the freshman, we had a welcome party for M1 and internship students.

They introduced themselves with their funny episodes, after that, each new member started to talk with members of the laboratory and eat Yakiniku!.

As a man who organized the welcome party this time, I was concerned whether they will get used to lab members or not., but see them after the welcome party I am relieved to see both of them were having fun talkings.


Internships from France

Struggling to come up with an funny episode

Sorry, this is the first time to write a blog post for me.
So it is doubtful whether the delightful atmosphere of a welcome party has been conveyed, but I think that this party has become a good start to living a research life for new students.