Monthly Archives: November 2018

Internship at University of Oulu, November 2018

Hyvää päivää!
M2 student Silviya here, been on the second week of my Internship at Oulu University, Finland. First impression ? The weather is super COLD, it’s literally freezing every day. But hey, you can get free coffee in the lab every day ! Yaay coffee !! ❤

I’m assigned in the Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, laboratory of Center for Machine Vision and Signal Analysis (CMVS), under the supervision of Professor Janne Heikkilä. My first day was amazing, of course.. as always I got lost a bit when I tried to find the lab, but the good point I was able took my own time to explore the university, went through most Faculty before I got to the right lab (Yaay again!). Here, in CMVS lab. their research covers broad and various fields, including Neural Network, Augmented Reality, and 3D reconstruction.

Once you get inside the laboratory area, you will see a screen display, with Face Analysis demo running in real time to do gender recognition and also facial expression recognition. But then “Female = 0 “. Finally, I’m an alien and can’t be detected ! (Yaay again??)

I’m undetected. Yaay !

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Greetings Everyone!
Damien Rompapas, D3 student, Reporting for Duty!

I participated in two conferences back-to-back:
ACM UIST 18 (31st symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) in Berlin, Germany
IEEE ISMAR 18 (17th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) in Munich, Germany

Where I presented a game developed as part of my research work as a demonstration.

I presented HoloRoyale: A Large Scale High Fidelity Augmented Reality game
(you can see a video explaining the work here: video )

The presentation was quite enjoyable, I gave a demo and teaser many people wouldn’t forget

Commander Rompapas ready to present the 1 minute teaser!

Of course I enjoyed various other activities, such as enjoying the local food in Munich, one restaurant was quite special, you could order a specific cut of meat and they cooked it up for you (which leaves a bone one can have a little fun with!)

Goofing off at a specialist steak restaurant