Greetings Everyone!
Damien Rompapas, D3 student, Reporting for Duty!
I participated in two conferences back-to-back:
ACM UIST 18 (31st symposium on User Interface Software and Technology) in Berlin, Germany
IEEE ISMAR 18 (17th International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality) in Munich, Germany
Where I presented a game developed as part of my research work as a demonstration.
I presented HoloRoyale: A Large Scale High Fidelity Augmented Reality game
(you can see a video explaining the work here: video )
The presentation was quite enjoyable, I gave a demo and teaser many people wouldn’t forget
Of course I enjoyed various other activities, such as enjoying the local food in Munich, one restaurant was quite special, you could order a specific cut of meat and they cooked it up for you (which leaves a bone one can have a little fun with!)