Human-Computer Interaction
3D Positioning Method for Handheld Augmented Reality
We propose a 3D positioning method for SLAM-based handheld augmented reality applications. With our interface, user scan efficiently control 3D positioning, such as augmented reality annotation, using a tablet device.
- Varunyu Fuvattanasilp, Yuichiro Fujimoto, Alexander Plopski, Takafumi Taketomi, Christian Sandor, Masayuki Kanbara, Hirokazu Kato, "SlidAR+: Gravity-Aware 3D Object Manipulation for Handheld Augmented Reality," Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, Vol.95, No.1, pp.23-35, Apr. 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2021.01.005.
- Polvi, J., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Dey, A., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., SlidAR: A 3D Positioning Method for SLAM-based Handheld Augmented Reality, International Journal of Computers and Graphics, Vol.55, pages 33-43, December, 2015.
- Polvi, J., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Billinghurst, M., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Evaluating a SLAM-based Handheld Augmented Reality Guidance System, Poster in Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, pages 147-147, New York, NY, USA, ACM, October, 2014.
Augmented Reality for Sports Training
Our research aims to facilitate sports training activities by using augmented reality technology.
- Kaplan, O., Yamamoto, G., Taketomi, T., Yoshitake, Y., Plopski, A., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Promoting Short-Term Gains in Physical Exercise Through Digital Media Creation, Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference (ACE2017), Dec. 2017.
- Taketomi, T., Yoshitake, Y., Yamamoto, G., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., 3D Ground Reaction Force Visualization onto Training Video for Sprint Training Support System, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2017), Nov. 2017.
- Matsumura, H., Watanabe, H., Chen, T. C., Taketomi, T., Yoshitake, Plopski, A., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Can Face Swapping Technology Facilitate Mental Imagery Training?, International Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and Eurographics Symposium on Virtual Environments (ICAT-EGVE2017), Nov. 2017.
Standard Usability Questionnaires for Handheld Augmented Reality
We propose the usability scale for evaluating handheld augmented reality applications. We modified the conventional usability questionnaires to be applied for handheld devices.
- Santos, M., Polvi, J., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Toward Standard Usability Questionnaires for Handheld Augmented Reality, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol.35, No.5, pages 66-75, Sept.-Oct., 2015.
- Santos, M., Polvi, J., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., A Usability Scale for Handheld Augmented Reality, In Proceedings of ACM 20th Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pages 167-176, Edinburgh, UK, November, 2014.
Augmented Reality Interface for 3D Media Production
We developed the 3D user interface for 3D media production specially for professional 3D media designers. We analyzed the professional designers activities, and then selected several important features for the augmented reality interface.
- Krichenbauer, M., Yamamoto, G., Taketomi, T., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Towards Augmented Reality User Interfaces in 3D Media Production, in Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, pages 23-28, Munich, Germany, October, 2014.
Augmented Reality for Education
In order to investigate the usefulness of augmented reality, we developed educational applications and evaluated them.
- Santos, M., Wolde, A., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Rodrigo, M., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Augmented reality as multimedia: the case for situated vocabulary learning, Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning, Vol.11, No.1, pages 1-23, Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, January, 2016.
- Santos, M., Souza, I., Yamamoto, G., Taketomi, T., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Exploring Legibility of Augmented Reality X-Ray, Multimedia Tools and Applications, pages 1-23, Springer US, October, 2015.
- Santos, M., Chen, A., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Miyazaki, J., and Kato, H., Augmented Reality Learning Experiences: Survey of Prototype Design and Evaluation, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, Vol.7, No.1, pages 38-56, January, 2014.
Augmented Reality Interfaces for Elderly
We developed augmented reality interfaces for elderly people. Especially, we focus on those with dementia.
- Yamamoto, G., Hyry, J., Krichenbauer, M., Taketomi, T., Sandor, C., Kato, H., and Pulli, P., A User Interface Design for the Elderly using a Projection Tabletop System, In Proceedings of Third International Workshop on Virtual and Augmented Assistive Technology, pages 29-32, Arles, Camargue, Provence, France, March, 2015.
- Yamamoto, G., Asghar, Z., Uranishi, Y., Taketomi, T., Sandor, C., Kuroda, T., Pulli, P., and Kato, H., Grid-pattern Indicating Interface for Ambient Assisted Living, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, pages 405-408, Gothenburg, Sweden, September, 2014. Best Short Paper Honourable Mention
- Yamamoto, G., Chen, A., Pulli, P., Hyry, J., Asghar, M., Uranishi, Y., and Kato, H., A Laser Projection-based Tele-guidance System Embedded on a Mobility Aid, In ISMICT '13: Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology, pages 140-144, March, 2013.
Computer Vision
3D reconstruction
We propose the 3D reconstruction methods from camera images. Especially, we focus on the Visual-SLAM technology which can estimate 3D structure of environments and camera motion.
- Uchiyama, H., Taketomi, T., and Ikeda, S., [POSTER] Abecedary Tracking and Mapping: a Toolkit for Tracking Competitions, In Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, Fukuoka, Japan, October, 2015.
- Zhang, Q., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., [POSTER]Exploiting Depth Information from Tracked Feature Points in Dense Reconstruction for Monocular Cameras, in Workshop Proceedings of the Special Interest Group on Mixed Reality (SIG-MR), pages 5-8, Nara, Japan, January, 2015.
Image-based Camera Pose Estimation
We propose the image-based camera pose estimation methods. Especially, we focus on the camera pose estimation methods for achieving augmented reality.
- Taketomi, T., and Heikkilä, J., Focal Length Change Compensation for Monocular SLAM, in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, pages 1-5, Quebec city, Canada, September, 2015.
- Taketomi, T., Okada, K., Yamamoto, G., Miyazaki, J., and Kato, H., Camera Pose Estimation under Dynamic Intrinsic Parameter Change for Augmented Reality, International Journal of Computers and Graphics, Vol.44, pages 11-19, 2014.
- Oikawa, M., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Fujisawa, M., Amano, T., Miyazaki, J., and Kato, H., A Model-Based Tracking Framework for Textureless 3D Rigid Curved Objects, SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, Vol.3, No.2, pages 2-15, January, 2012.
Projector-based Augmented Reality
We develop the projector-camera system for achieving spatial augmented reality. Especially we focus on the appearance control technologies and projection-based texture mapping technologies.
- Akiyama, R., Yamamoto, G., Amano, T., Taketomi, T., Sandor, C., and Kato, H., Appearance Control in Dynamic Light Environments with a Projector-Camera System, In USB Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Virtual Reality 2016: Workshop on Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in AR, Greenville, South Carolina, March, 2016.
- Fujimoto, Y., Smith, R., Taketomi, T., Yamamoto, G., Miyazaki, J., Kato, H., and Thomas, B., Geometrically-Correct Projection-Based Texture Mapping onto a Deformable Object, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.20, No.4, pages 540-549, March, 2014.