Interactive Media Design Laboratory
Our vision is to introduce Augmented Reality into the everyday lives of everyone on this planet. Augmented Reality is a technology that enhances human vision with computer generated graphics. In order to achieve our vision, it is imperative to merge three currently distinct research fields into one: Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, and Human-Computer Interaction. The lab is directed by Professor Hirokazu Kato and includes several assistant professors, postdocs, graduate students and visitors.
[Top News]
- 2024/07/02 Prof. Hirokazu Kato was recognized as one of the first 101 pioneers in the AWE’S XR Hall of Fame.[Official HP]
- 2023/12/13 Kota Nieda (M1) got best student interactive award at HCGSYMPO [blog][大学公式]
- 2023/10/18 Prof. Kato got ISMAR 2023 Career Impact Award at ISMAR2023 [blog][NAIST official HP]
(In recognition for the significant impact his lifelong research has had to the field Augmented Reality)
[Tech News]
- Dr. AR (Design Refinement of Augmented Reality) v1, an auxiliary tool for creating an assembly support system using AR, has been officially released. Please take advantage of this service.
[Daily News]
- 2023/08/22 Conference reports blog is updated [blog]
- 2023/08/09 Got Student Presentation Encouragement Award at CNR local conference!
- 2023/07/2o Daniel Eckhoff-kun from the City University of Hong Kong Visit IMD [blog]
- 2023/05/13 Open Campus 2023 Day [blog]
- 2023/05/09 Start the 2023 internship for Nara Kita High School students.
- 2023/05/01 New 5 M1 members join IMD-lab.
- 2022/08/03 We held SSH Lab Stay for high school students from Nishiyamato Gakuen.
- 2022/07/10 IMD Lab was recorded as the Unique (or Rare) Research Laboratory by Nanikore Chin Hyakkei TV shows. [blog]
- 2022/07/01 Tainaka, Kodama, Kawase, Yamauchi, Sawabe, Kanbara won the CNR Students Awards. [blog, Awards]
- 2022/05/01 Start the 2022 internship for Nara Kita High School students.
- 2022/03/11 2 groups from IMD lab were nominated IMD MVE. [blog]
- 2022/03/07 2 groups from IMD lab were nominated for The Best Research Project Award, The Excellent Research Project Award (runner-up) from IMD lab in CICP [blog].
- 2021/07/13 The data collection process for TSUNDERE behavior model is now available on the CCO-Cha youtube channel.
- 2021/05/01 Start the 2021 internship for Nara Kita High School students.
- 2021/04/01 Assistant Professor Taishi Sawabe joined IMD lab.
- 2021/02/20 Keishi Tainaka, Isidro Butaslac and Tetsuya Kodama (Supervisor: Taishi Sawabe, and Masayuki Kanbara) won the best award in CICP.
- 2020/03/09 Kenta Sugiyama wrote a blog post about his stay in Technical University of Munich in Germany.
- 2019/11/30 Assistant Professor Alexander Plopski has moved to The human-computer interaction group at University of Otago. We are thankful for all the knowledge, wisdom and support he brought to our lab, and wish him all the best in a new chapter of his life.
- 2019/11/29 Ryo Akiyama gave an invited talk about “Perceptual Appearance Control by Projection-Induced Illusion” at IDW ’19.
- 2019/06/12 Assistant Professor Alexander Plopski gave an invited talk about "Overcoming Optical See-Through Head-Mounted Display Limitations through Eye Tracking" at Beihang University.
- 2019/06/7-9 Laboratory's study trip took place in Shiga.[blog post]
- 2019/05/24 Naoki Inoue won Student Presentation Award in SCI'19.
- 2019/04/01 Associate Professor Masayuki Kanbara, Assistant Professor Yuichiro Fujimoto, new M2 students, and new M1 students joined our lab.